Our Technology Takes Coronavirus Out of the Air

Dental, Hygienist and Orthodontic Surgeries

According to the US Department of Labor, dentists have the unhealthiest job in the world, with the biggest single risk coming from exposure to airborne contaminants. Fine particles and droplets containing blood, saliva, bacteria and viruses can remain suspended in the air for hours, leaving patients and staff vulnerable to cross-contamination.


Radic8 Cleans and Protects the Air in Dental Surgeries

Dentists have a duty of care to protect their staff and patients from cross-contamination, and must follow strict cleaning and disinfection regimes of equipment and surfaces. Throughout the day however, invisible particles released by dental procedures and cleaning build up into a cloud in the air and can cause harm to health when breathed in.

Suspended particles have the potential to spread infectious diseases and cause respiratory problems, and while dentists can protect themselves by wearing masks, it is impossible to protect the patient from exposure.  Other key concerns for dentists over the long-term are the chemicals used in dental and cleaning procedures. Mercury vapour is released during the fitting and removal of cavity fillings and disinfectants contain chemical compounds that are toxic when inhaled.

Radic8 technology provides effective protection from airborne contamination, filtering out dust and larger particles, and sterilising smaller particles in our world-leading reactor chamber.

As well as removing air pollutants specific to dental surgeries, Radic8 removes pollutants from all other sources, including toxic gases and particulate matter from road traffic, allergens, dust and mould.  With Radic8 technology installed, dental surgeries can advertise ‘We Share Clean Air’, informing patients and staff alike that the air they breathe is clean and safe.

Medical Brochure

Test Results

Benefits for Dentists

Clinical Report

The Viruskiller range of air sterilisation and purification technology is proven to remove air contaminants and protect your patients and staff. There is a model to suit every size of surgery, and they can be adapted to fit with existing ventilation and clean-room technology.

The additional benefits to providing clean air are numerous, from reducing staff absenteeism and increasing productivity, to attracting new business with our positive advertising. With the air smelling clean and feeling fresh, clients can relax knowing they are in safe hands.

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